Renaissance Humans Required

The Future Belongs to the Autodidact

Extra Polyglot / Renaissance Human

Jill & Jack of All Trades

In the days of yore, a Renaissance person was an artist, an engineer, a philosopher and whatever else they damn well pleased.

This will be the first in what I intend to be shorter, more “off-the-cuff” articles in an effort to stay radically consistent with content creation.

While walking Frida, our dog (who may or may not be a Chiweenie), this morning, I was listening to a renowned psychologist and speaker give a lecture on the topic of power and navigating uncertainty.

Perhaps there was a stone in my shoe or perhaps the decades of tolerating misogyny have finally reached a tipping point, but when this man began discussing the “female locus of thought” as stemming from the innate desire to become mothers, my blood pressure shot up and my body went into fight mode. This man should know better but I am not naming him, the point is how his comment made me feel. My therapist teaches me that feelings are a language. This thought leader is sharing concepts that are bad for women and our autonomy, but in disguise of science: the worst.

Generalizations such as this are dangerous to society. Generalizations about entire races or genders are deadly and set us back as a species more times then should have been allowed.

The roots of misogyny and patriarchy are generations deep while awareness is extremely recent and emergent.

Looking for Women

Considering the lack of female voices in the business and philosophy domain and since so many of my brothers in tech are capable and confident podcasters, it is easy to search a specific thought-space niche and find half a dozen well produced, deeply researched and insightful podcasts if you do not add “female host” to the query.

I am not happy with the numbers of women in the ranks of thought leaders akin to Jay Shetty, Tim Ferris, Simon Sinek, and just about all successful startup podcasts. By the way, I love these podcasters. I just want more women in the domain of life-hacking and tech-startup-hacking.

Therapists and journalists comprise the female thought leaders on my podcast playlist. This leaves me wondering where are the women?

As one woman, I can speak only for myself, just as no man should speak for all women, ahem. Being the “only” means you don’t get a map.

The only is the first, the anomaly, statistical outlier and rather strange to the status quo.

Being the only requires twice the effort.

Exertion is required to change the status quo because no one has seen someone like you do this before.

You will be expected to work twice as hard as someone who is expected to be there.

I speak from a perspective of female experience and I know those who experience being the only because of race and gender stack the expectation even higher.

I am not able to speak the story of anyone besides myself, but there is one truth above truths that anyone who is an outlier knows…

When you must exert more then you are replenished, burnout happens.

Sleep When You Are Dead

That is dramatic I know. There is a storm on the horizon, literally. Hurricane Lee is carving her path up the Atlantic coastline this evening.

Frida is nervous and trying to hide under my feet.

Google has been kicking my ass all summer with automated policy violations on my business account that suck an inordinate amount of valuable time that should be deep-work but instead I type repetitiously into text boxes chasing support tickets with no human on the Google side; I am certain.

My YouTube channel has been popping off since Google unsuspended my Ads Account, see my last article for that fun ride.

AI and my art making have converged into a unified workflow. Upcoming, I will be walking through my process, you can watch on YouTube.

The NoRules Shop at TheTechMargin has become an excellent visual treat and multimedia exploration. The collaborations are amazing especially the Artist Series.

Before I part ways with this interface for the stormy weekend ahead, I will leave you with the latest from my promotional artwork series for my shop.

Enjoy and be kind to one another ☮️


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